Published on April 18th 2023
2 min read
YB Queenie
22nd March 2023 (Day 15) of the Legislative Council 2023,
YB Chong commended the Ministry of Health and University of Brunei Darussalam for their commitment to leading the digital health transformation. She then inquired about the effectiveness and challenges of the deep-learning AI system being implemented in the current diabetic retinopathy screening program, and asked if the Ministry was considering establishing a Behavioral Insights Team or Nudge Unit to incorporate machine learning into the healthcare system to prevent diseases and promote positive behavioral changes.
Previously, patients had to undergo eye drops and wait for up to three hours to be examined by a doctor. The new clinical AI system has been trialled with a high sensitivity and specificity, and is faster and more efficient, with results available in 3-5 minutes. Patients no longer require eye drops and can receive a diagnosis without a doctor's assistance. The MOH is considering implementing the system as a whole-of-nation approach and integrating it with BruHIMS and internet connectivity. Patients will be able to access care from any clinic, reducing congestion at RIPAS Hospital. However, MOH emphasized the importance of training staff and doctors to effectively use the system and provide additional care and examinations as needed.
The Ministry of Health is committed to establishing a Behavioral Insights Unit in collaboration with the World Health Organization. Behavioral insights are important as they provide a scientific approach to understanding and addressing health-related behavior patterns of Brunei's population. With behavioral insights, the MOH can evaluate and make recommendations on how to address health-related behavior patterns, such as unhealthy eating habits. The MOH believes that with this unit, they can learn from and influence the population's behavior in a unique and tailored way that is specific to Brunei. This will allow them to develop policies and programs based on data and evidence and better address the population's health needs.